Putu Deny Pratama Saputra

Home » Visual Semiotic and Photography » Week 12 Open Happiness Campaign

Week 12 Open Happiness Campaign

The Open Happiness campaign by Coca Cola Company is one of the alternative way created to help the political conflicts between India and Pakistan. The concept of the advertisement is connecting people throughout the coke vending machine installed between the borderline of India and Pakistan. The vending machine installed with a webcam whereas the people could see what happened in the other side of the vending machine.

The advertisement purposed is to connect people of India and Pakistan. The method used is to get free soda for the people in the other vending machine, in this case people of India and Pakistan. Simply, by doing some movement instructed by the machine together, the people will be granted a free coke. For instance, the people in India should high five the people in Pakistan to get the free coke. By doing the high five, they will get free cokes. It was well executed and many people tried to spread happiness with the other people. Although their motives are to get free coca cola, but the amount of joy they share is the goals of this advertisement.

In the political view, does by sharing coke we can stop the conflicts? Within the small solution provided by the coca cola company, there is no way to stop the conflict by just sharing the coke. Moreover, the advertisement is simply to raise the name of coca cola, no? Why it is better to get free sugar drink for many people? We know that coke is not a healthy choice for your health, but why bringing the drink in the first place? Coca Cola target is indeed to raise their brand and attract people to buy and drink more of their product. However, installing this vending machine in the public area is the smartest way to gain costumer.

Despite of the political and marketing view, I personally really like the concept of this advertisement. By having simple interaction with stranger you don’t know, you can get a free coke! Everyone loves free stuff and this idea is very clever. There are many interactions that are provided such as dancing together, waving hands, taking photos of each other, and many more! It is indeed connecting people. People really enjoyed the new installation and they are participating happily. This advertisement is to bring happiness to people in the conflict country and it surely reach its purposed.

The Open Happiness campaign is surely clever idea to promote as well as to bring an impact to people. Although it is merely an ads of a company product, but the important is people enjoying the ads and they are feel happy about it. People are enjoying the advertisement and that is the purpose of this advertisement, no?


Beltrone, Gabriel. “Could the Soda Maker Possibly ‘Open Happiness’ between India and Pakistan?” Adweek. May 20, 2013. Accessed December 1, 2016. http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/ad-day-coca-cola-149676.