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Week 9

My Marilyn Analysis


During the age of pop art, there is many art published in order to achieve popularity. Moreover, many actor and actress got their popularity through promotional by pop art. One of the most famous actresses during the age of pop art is Marilyn Monroe. She is the icon of women and also the sexuality during that time. Many women wants to be like her, hence she is become famous instantly after conducting in a film. Afterward, she is become many magazine and poster advertisement model. One of a photographer who took her photo for poster advertisement is Richard Hamilton. He is the one who took Marilyn photo before her death. What kind of style did he used to capture the image and behind the picture of My Marilyn.

My Marilyn is the collection of photography taken by Hamilton during Marilyn time as an actress. Before her death, she requested a photography session with Hamilton. She instructed Hamilton what to do and what he should do during the photo session. Afterward, several days later, Marilyn met her death. The photo requested by Marilyn become left, in that situation Hamilton as the photographer intend to make a tribute for her death. He felt really sorry for Marilyn since he can’t finish her request before her death. Because of that he made a tribute by making a selection of photograph he took during the photo session with Marilyn. The photo then put into one frame and there is cross in some photo as a “X”. its represent the condolences of Marilyn death. The other analysis is in the word “My” in the picture title “My Marilyn” represent one creation, Hamilton wants to make his art popular and himself popular by using Marilyn death, however he is in deep condolences because he is the last one who took her picture before her death.

Marilyn Monroe is famous and she becomes many models in many advertisements. Other than Hamilton who took the picture, there is other man who took her picture too, Walhord. He is also a photographer who took Marilyn picture a lot. There is significant different between both Hamilton and Walhord work. Both of them are the tribute for Marilyn Monroe, but the work of Walhord is more into commercial work rather than personal perspective. While Walhord is more into commercial, Hamilton is more into personal development and personal feeling. Even though he used her death to raise popularity, he makes a tribute in order to respect Marilyn and let her existence exist after her death. Moreover, in the Walhord work there is some other meaning of his work. Death, life, and fame of Marilyn Monroe.

The last part is the style being used to make this My Marilyn. Hamilton used the style of pop art, of course because during that era, Pop art is one of the famous art and easiest art to be published as advertisement. Other than pop art, he used photograph as the base instead of painting. Photograph during that time become famous and common for picture taking rather than paint them which could spent almost a month to be finished. And the media he used is poster. He made poster, indeed to advertise and promote Marilyn for other people and society.

My Marilyn is the tribute picture for Marilyn death by Hamilton. Hamilton is the last person who took Marilyn photo before her death. In order to respect her and also gain fame, he make a tribute of Marilyn Monroe and began displayed his poster art in the public. People will believe this tribute as the last picture of Marilyn. Other is he made the picture in order to respect Marilyn after her death and want to make Marilyn existence is not extinct yet. Marilyn is the most famous actress during the pop art era and many women want to be like her. This My Marilyn picture represent it all in one picture; tribute, love, life, death, and fame.


Manchester, Elizabeth. “My Marilyn 1965.” Tate. October 1, 2007. Accessed November 3, 2014. tate.org.uk.



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