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Week 15

Internet as the Way of New Expression


                As the world getting further into the technology and there are certain new things happen in the art field. Since the beginning of pop art, art has become a common thing which everyone could have and own even though it is only the copy. Nowadays the spreading of art has become faster because of the Internet and because the new innovation of social media. Facebook, twitter, path, instagram, and et cetera. People around the world have a bigger access through seeking art from international artist. Moreover, this opportunity of internet help the newcomer artist to create a name and being acknowledge by the people around the world. There one artist which is become my inspiration and he is been using internet and the social media to increase his existence among the artist around the world.


Named Gabriel Picolo, he is a famous artist which in specialty of doodling. The thing that special from him and his art is the way he represented and the way he draw the current hot issues. One unique thing from his art is number, there are number of drawing that he made. For instance he draws a book, and the book is drawing number 30. He keeps giving a track on how many he have done and how many drawing he has made. Moreover, the development of internet surely helps him to increase his popularity and also increase his existence. He owns a page in face book, the page called 365 days of doodles.


Now talking about how he could have a track for his drawing and also the way he use internet to support his existence in art world. He starts his journey in art since 2011. Therefore he starts with the very basic drawing. The idea of having track comes up because he wants to have an organized drawing and also it will be much easier when he want to look up for his drawing in other day. In other side, the internet surely helps him to look up for his file and save his file online. Therefore he created a page, for the first purposed, he intent to only use his page to store up his file and because of the power of internet, his art began to get noticed from people. Many people visits to look up at his art and day by day the visitor increased. Hence, this becomes a new idea to increase his popularity in art world.


Social media surely helping people who want to gain popularity and existence. However, by only having a good existence and popularity in social media does not mean it will be turn out nice in the real world. Moreover, sometimes it is not working well because people easily and always try to ruin some artist by criticizing a lot without giving a suggestion either support. In contradiction when people get support and praise, it will help to build their courage and existence. Social media is the power in 21st century; it is the most powerful technology to help either to destroy humanity. Art is one of the most things in the social media. People look, people take, and people download art freely. Social media does give a big impact for humanity.



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