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Week 14

Ai Weiwei Through the Chinese Postmodernism

Ai Weiwei is an artist from Chinese. Even though he is a Chinese, he spent some of his years in America studying for art and earning some experience and life meaning. Ai Weiwei become famous because of his art thinking. He always thinks differently from other normal people. He believe that art learned best from experience not from study. One of his artwork is a famous dropping the urn, He break the vas of Dynasty Han. Ai Weiwei famous because of his actions, he is an activist and through his action he want to make China better. Dropping the urn is one of the rebellion actions and through it he commit to make china no longer tied by past.

Dropping the Urn of ancient sculpture of vases does not mean a rebellion in general. It is just an action committed by Weiwei in order to renew the Chinese old tradition. In other word, gibing a new look of art in china. Breaking the Urn is also the way of how weiwei as activist react on the modern china. The way of weiwei showing his protest is unique. By breaking the ancient vases he show his anger and his love for china in one action. He does not want china to fall for other, he want china to stand alone and let the past is just a history, not being tied again by the past.

Even though he breaks the ancient vase, no one seem angry of it. It seem that everyone getting closer of truth and reality. Weiwei gives everyone a clear suggestion that it is okay to leave past and move forward toward the future in order to create china better. His actions trigger more and more actions to protest modern china. More likely become weiwei follower. Weiwei is an active person in twitter, he always tweet anything that occur in his account in order to give the world view of modern china. By doing this action, he becomes a really descent Chinese. His follower grow into bigger community, they support what Weiwei belief and done in order to give china a better future. Even though the government does not agree with weiwei belief and ideology, they kept ignored him.

One action weiwei done to show how art could give big impact for human is the annual sign on the big building from bags in order to respect all the children who dead during the china earthquake. This action trigger lots of people support him more. From his action, we could see how art could influence lots of people to support revolutions and also justice. Therefore, he also keep updating his social media account to let people know what around him and what current action he done to keep art alive and current problem review. There is a lot of accident happen every day and by using social media, people all over the world can understand what happen for just a glimpse of eye.

In the conclusion, art is not only about beauty and value, it is also a media to inform people of what we feel, what we want, and what we hope. AI weiwei become activist and use art as the way to inform people and let people know what happen lately. Art is not always about price, but it is more about value. How art could impact lots of people, and Ai weiwei give a good example of the impact of art for people. Some of his action is breaking the Urn vase and Annual reminder for earthquake that killed many children. Art is about respect!



“Ai Weiwei and “das Ding” (物).” Tangdynastytimes. June 10, 2012. Accessed December 14, 2014. http://www.tangdynastytimes.com/2012/06/das-ding.html.

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