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Week 13

Pop Art America and Eko Nugroho

Pop art is the art of America between the year of 1950 and 1970. Pop art is the art of rebelling the previous art, the only one copy of art. In pop art the number of same picture produced could be more than one, and it is against the modernism and old art. Eko nugroho is one of Indonesian artist who famous with his art. There is some similarity between eeko nugroho’s arts with the pop art form America. However, even both of them look similar, there is some significant different between the arts. Eko nugroho art is mostly about comics and the style is more likely into comic style.

Eko nugroho is one of world artist comes from Indonesia. He grew in java and began his art journey since 1997. His style is a representative of comic art style, although it is very comic, but the style does not lost the sense of reality, yet deep meaning inside of his artwork. Eko Nugroho art is typically same with the American pop art. However, the only difference is the colors and the shape of the subject. In pop art the color is more likely into bright and yet they rarely use the soft blend color. The purposed is to attract the audience. Eko nugroho art style is more likely using soft blending color and straight forward.

Pop art style is about promoting and advertising something. Even though pop art is an art, but it is not really expensive as the old art. And it also against the old art because pop art could have more than one copy of the art and it is more likely as accessory and for money. Everyone could have their own art during pop art and very contradictive with the previous one, only the highness one could afford to buy them since it is expensive. However, in pop art everyone could buy their own art. The technology of copying already exists and it makes the life become easier. Everything could be copied, including art.

Eko Nugrhoho art style is basically more into comic style. He introduces a character and deep inside it, there is a specific meaning of the message. The message usually talking about Indonesian problem and Indonesian funny side. His comic style using abstract form of art, not really like in pop art. Moreover the color balance is a bit different from both of the style. In pop art the color is more light and shiny, however in the Eko Nugroho style, it is more likely dark and shade. Eko Nugroho art is not only about telling a message, sometimes it also about critics toward government and other people. Critics means, he write a message with some word that commenting on what happen nowadays. And by doing that, he also a part of protestant from what happen in the government.

In conclusion, the art of Eko Nugroho is about the same as the pop art. The significant different are the coloring and the type of drawing itself. Pop art happen because of the rejection for old painting, they reject of only the highness could afford to buy the painting. In the same path, Eko Nugroho reject the government wrong idea, he is an activist who done the rebellion by doing drawing. Although his drawing is more into critics the rule or the new law. It almost the same as the pop art, but the difference only the purpose and the usage. If Eko Nugroho more into shaping the morality through drawing and wart, pop art is more into giving other a chance for having expensive picture for cheap!

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