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Week 11

Photography as New  Media

Having a good moment to be remembered is important. If people was used to picture their self by using painting, but today the technology change everything. By using camera, nowadays people could snapshoot any moments any time. Very convenient and also easy, everyone could use it as it not expensive like painting. However, behind that greatness, the story of photography is really interesting. Moreover, photography history, first camera, and how photography affect the art style.

Photography is about getting a way of memorizing events in picture. It could be memory, event, person, or anything. In short history of photography, the photography is a new media to put ideas toward art. The word of photography comes from ancient Greek, ‘’photos’’ mean light and ‘’graphos’’ mean painting. So photography mean writing/painting the light. Photography first introduce to public in the 1839, that time, photography become a new way of expressing art and also technologically using more technology. However the actual time of photography first knows is in the obscura phenomenon by Mi To. Obscura is the term used for describing a reverse image when light goes through the small hole and the reflection of the shadow is the real image in the reverse position. In 1558, Giambatistta Giela Porta explain the useful of obscura, it help the artist to sketch and also draw the image more intense and faster. Day by day, many researcher doing the research, many failed, many comes with a little successful. In 1839 Louis-Jacques Mande’ Daguerre (1787-1851) is the one who first successful to capture a scene of event. Then, he is being the one who invent photograph and by the world now he is well known as the first person who capture the image. Once Daguerre wants to put the license on his work, but was prohibited by the France government and they order Daguerre to give his work freely to the entire world as the stone of technology.

The first camera in the world is invented by Alexander Wolcott, his camera was patented on May 8, 1840. Walcott make the camera that not blurry when shoot the scene, therefore his camera give more details and not really faded away. Moreover, Walcott is the first one who open the photographic store, of course he is, because he is the one who invent it and he is the one who sell it.

By the developing of camera and photography, nowadays the art has been reach its other state. Photography let people captured image and also take a good moment without putting the moment into canvas and paint it. Photography is the art of capturing image, it is not the art of creating image. Photography is the symbolism of modern art because it uses technology. Photography is other way of artist expressing their emotion and work, however the one who operate the camera called photographer, not artist. By this nicknamed, mostly people will differ between photography and painting by its essence and rarely realize photography is part of art and painting.

The developing of photography as art is long and full of failure yet some are successful to make it. Photography first used for painting and sketching so it will be easier to draw the realistic and naturalism. The way of taking picture and then drawing it is by using small holes on the wall and then the light will go through it and artist will receive the shadow in reverse position. Then the painter will draw it according the shadow. This is the way of artist whether beginner or expert to draw naturalism in good view. After this experiments, photography being developed and up until now, we can see the advance product of photography. The camera!



Garber, Charllote. “First Camera Invented.” I Love to Know Photography. Accessed November 23, 2014. http://photography.lovetoknow.com/First_Camera_Invented.

“Pengertian Dans Ejarah Fotografi.” Kelas Fotografi. August 25, 2013. Accessed November 23, 2014. http://kelasfotografi.wordpress.com/2013/08/25/pengertian-dan-sejarah-singkat-fotografi/.

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