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Week 1

The Imposter Review and Thought


First class of the second video diaries lecture went by watching a full documentary video! This is because we will work on making a documentary video for our last term project. It was exciting in some side. The movie was about the Imposter, the one who changed identity a lot. Today, I would like to review on how I thought about the movie and how it will affect my perspective for my newest project.

The movie opened with some calling to the police stating that someone found a kid during their vacation. Phone booth becomes the center of the first scene and then it starts exposing the story. I was concern on how the story will be, but after seeing the pace of the first scene, I was expecting to see some tragic documentary, and it was! the Imposter are telling about someone who is changing his identity over the new one by stealing identity from the other person who were missing. Here, he stole the identity of Nicholas. But, the truth is Nicholas was (unsure) death, killed by his brother and/or mother. But, the funny part is the mother knew he was killed, but when the imposter come, she accept him like nothing happen.

Funny, it was first my impression when I found out that the imposter was fooled by the family that he was supposed to fooled! The moment I realize this is going to a twist was when the other brother (the one who killed real Nichoals) said “Good Luck”. From what he said, I was already referring something is not right on this, perhaps he knew the imposter was lying or he was the one who made Nicholas run away! Almost right, he was the one who killed Nicholas! Thus are the exact point of the twist I received along the story!

From that documentary, I learned so much on how to develop a good documentary video. First, If we can, try to illustrate it with some footages that we directed or footage from free website. They illustrate most of the action and use less real footage of the person, example photos. The set the action and record it as the new action so the audience will able to imagine the situation on that time the event occur. Second, have a good music which match, but not to dominating the show! I found some parts that were using music audio feels more lively. A song comes in the right time and right situation, the song should match the action on that time to give the feel of the event! Some parts that I found it is very strong is the interview parts. I was deducting it will be so hard to get a good emotion view when somebody who were the victims try to explain and tell us the story. First they go really happy then they go into the mad, sadness, and disappointment. It is quite hard to maintain the emotion of the victims of the story and they could maintain it, which I feel like hard job so far!

Thus moment gave me many information and encourage me to make the best documentary for the finals! I do hope I can implement some of them which is might not really good.

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