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Waste Land Documentary


The Waste Land documentary movie is surely heartwarming documentary I have seen so far. I cannot believe that someone could able deeply represent the life of trash picker as heart touching like this. For some reason, I really enjoy the movie along with the technique that they used during the production. I am not sure why my heart really moves after watching this documentary, for some reason there are plenty of things that I can take from this documentary.

gallery01Identifying and analyzing the documentary from the story line, the documentary is very rich and very nurturing in many aspects! The story flows fluently without any disturbance. People are working together to make this movie better and because of that, the story lines can be sums up a perfect shot. From the beginning of the movie, the atmosphere is already different. The showing of TV shows of the main person is unpredictable and suddenly it vanished then the real story started. The whole documentary are placed between the TV shows’ segment which means, my deduction is the documentary assuming the TV shows showing the documentary. Just like screening through screening in the TV, and it feels adding more weight to the movie.

Apparently, I found much technique that used on this documentary that I found really interesting. Aside from normal shots and footages, there are lots of direct footages. For most of documentary we watched so far, most of them are indirect footages. And here, people are interacting a lot, they are communicating like they are not in the state of being interviewed! If this is the demographical approach, this one belongs to participation approach, where the person directly participating through one event to get information by becoming one of the villagers. Not many people can successfully achieve these steps during documentary. I really amazed that Vin could interact with the villagers in such cozy and family-like situation! Through this documentary I found that being able to shoot the footages by directly interacting with people is totally worth to try. I now believe that If you want the best footages, all you have to do is ask the person. Join in their community and interact with them more!

wasteland_poster_webThis documentary flawless, I cannot find any plot that seems off or not necessary and much footage taken are using people and surrounding area. The key from this movie is communicating is very important. You can see people deeper by communicating through their life. It is just hard to believe that some people would confess problem directly in documentary filming. Like you are exposing the whole story of yours into someone movies. But he gains people trust and that’s the best point of this documentary!

This work is magnificent! Usually when we have screening about documentary, to be honest I easily bored after the middle part of the timeline. However, this one make me no blink at all, I found myself not sleepy neither want to open my phone. The way the documentation tells us is simply magnificent. This movie directly touches my heart and moves my heart.  The story is interesting, the approach, and the flows are invigorating!