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Home » Video Diaries 2 » Kinetic Typography

Kinetic Typography

This week assignment is making a full music with kinetic typography. I was using a song from one of my games and it is quite fancy and groovy. I like the song and it feels just right to use this as the materials for my kinetic typography. The title is Dance and sang by Shihoko Hirata and Lotus Juice. So, here is the link.


the way that I made the video is using simple camera movement with blur effects and simple text animation. Even though I use depth of field on my camera, but I also add blur effects within some of the images to keep the blur in steady level and not either too blurry or too detail. I put the image layer by layer and just moving the camera front and back to get the effect that I want. Because the song is groovy and makes you want to move, I possibly make the effect not to dominating the video, but I want to make the song dominate it within few animations on the text.