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Week 4

 Lighting and Camera

A point of view will determine a good look upon one scene. Indeed, a point of camera will make a huge different one scene towards the other. There are certain things will be different depending on where are the camera position and the way to move to camera. Is it too close up, too widescreen, or too catchy? A position of a camera will give a huge impact in the movie production.

There are certain ways to put camera in order to get the best scene. Having a lot of camera in one scene is necessary. When there is a scene wrong, there will be faster to notice rather than one only one camera. For advance, having lots of cameras will help to get lots of scenes at once. Rather than having one camera for shoot, there will be much option when we have 6-7 cameras at once for one shoot, so we could determine the right angle and the best angle. The way of shooting the angle will eventually give different tension of the scene, whether it will be so emotional or so dramatic. A different angle will result different tension.  Moreover, the angle will give more detail on who is talking, for instance when they are being shot in the close up.

Next is about the placement of the camera to get the best shoot and also lighting. There are different placements according to the scene and to get the best result we need to experiment some ways. As mentioned in the video, lighting influence lots of the video quality and video effect. There are three important lighting that being mentioned in the video. First is key light, the main light which is will light the actors/actresses, and then um side light (I just remember that this one in the side), this will be supporting light, means that when necessary this light could be brighter. The last is back light, this is for the background lighting, and so it will make a shadow effect and give more live in the characters. Lighting plays big role in the movie making and also in animation making. A good lighting will result a good effect and will makes the audience feel the presence and feel the situation on the movie.

In conclusion, lighting and camera angle and also camera movement does impact the whole movie production. A good placement of the camera, a match lighting and a good angle will make a movie become better. Nothing worse than having wrong angle, too bright, too dark when we shoot a scene. a good planning will result a good movie.

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