Putu Deny Pratama Saputra

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Week 13

Comparing the Two Sequences

It was very thrilling car chase in the Bourne Supremacy and very heartwarming sequences in the Corridor in the Mood for Love. Both of these sequence clips have their own pace and special case. As I watched the sequences without knowing the full movie either the story, I probably could understand what happen in both of the scenes. the lecturer ask me to define some of the differences in the movie, focusing on the number of shots, camera techniques, phase movement, and editing and sound.

The camera movement for both of the sequences is completely different in number of shots and how fast it should be. The car chasing counted as more than 100 shots and it was very fast camera switching into other angle. It somehow makes me confuse yet, it made the story more interesting, we got lots of views and it make the car chasing looks so badass! Even though it used lots of angles, the way the director switch it makes it looks so awesome, it gives the sense of being chased, it gives the sense of being trapped, sense of chasing! In contradiction with the corridor scene, it only provided 10 shots (I counted it), which is can be compared very few with the car chasing. Even though it is only provided 10 shots, however, it gives me the sense of love and hesitation on the scenes. There are girl leaving and men arriving, so sudden it was confusing for the first view, but at the last, it reveals the man was greeting the female, and the female not responded the man which leads the man get heartbreak (?). it was seen in the scene where the man was eating and looked so frustrated. Well, even from only 10 shots, it could give the audience sense of heartbreaking with heartwarming music from the violin.

The pace for the car chase is very fast, it looks like you did not have to breathe to see them! I am lost in the counting the number of camera angle because the act leads me to follow them! I cannot get any sense of other feeling besides scared and afraid of being caught by the police. Well, the car chasing has fast pace and it move so fast in each scene. Different with it, the corridor give a slow pace and really slow phase movement. It gives the sense of romantic and dramatic event on the scene. a slow movement is always in the romantic scene, yet it looks like being slow motioned by the editor. The way she walked looks like a slow motion scene and the way the man ate looks being slow motioned too. Indeed both of them have different phase and pace, but both of them could bring me to feel the atmosphere in the act.

After seeing the sequences, both cannot be compared at all, they have different phase and different genre. However, both of them could be compared in view of camera and their phase movement. The car chasing has more camera angles than the corridor, the car chasing has more thrilling act and dangerous act, giving the sense of thriller for the audience. The corridor give the audience the sense of heart breaking, heartwarming act. Both of them are a really neat editing and also neat scene! I could feel both of their intention message for the audience.


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