Putu Deny Pratama Saputra

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Long Term Project

Regarding to the newest project, we divided into two groups and start a new project, my group consist of my self, Kemal, Wina, Zikroh, and Sifa. we start to make animation again. so this post is for the weekly update on what we have done so far, so we can take a view and keep the pace go on as what I have planned from the beginning.

WEEK 1 (done) : Ideas and brainstorming – comes with 3 ideas :

Sister kidnapping and the brother saves her

Lost memory and the adventure to retrieve the lost memory

Everyday life in animation

So we decided to make a journey of everyday life which is about social media and how is the effect on it for us.

WEEK 2 (done) : executing the ideas by determining plots, characters, works, and other things including discussion and suggestion from mr. Rodrigo.

WEEK 3 (done) : pre production :

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Sketching the initial characters, bosses, script, story board, story line, initial background pattern and initial work flow. Jobs have been distributed as I planned and we barely make everything done in time. The hardest part is to determine the weapon and the way to merge both reality and fantasy world. But we manage to tackle it with our idea.

WEEK 4 (on Process) : Production phase 1

We start the executing process by doing digitalizing the initial sketch into both photoshop and illustrator. We decided to make the dialog expression and background coloring for the first phase because it is the easiest one and it is the important part which will make the story more interesting. Wina, zikroh, and sifa is in the process to execute the background color and make the copy of it into 5-8 pictures which will be animated later on. Those background are forest, dessert, and dead village. Kemal and me are in characters drawing and coloring and also box and music preference. Both of us working to finish the dialogue part and it almost finish! The current process of first phase is 80%

WEEK 5 (soon) : production phase 2

Executing the running process

WEEK 6 (soon) : Production phase 3

Executing the animated scene

WEEK 7 (soon) : pre production

Merging, sound editing, animation editing, and after effecting.

WEEK 8 (soon) : Revision

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