Putu Deny Pratama Saputra

Week 9, Progress

This week, I manage to finish chapter one of my project. Yeah, just 1. I still need to finish tons of illustration first because I thought I can do this in between, but, nope. I made a mistake by thinking this kind of stuff. I need to finish my assets first so I can just put everything in the Muse. Adobe Muse is easy to use, but I cannot add some feature I want in my project. like, When the image need to stay for few scroll, and then I want it to follow the scroll. But I cannot make it work, I don’t really know how and I cannot seem to find the answer in the internet. Anyway, here is some of the assets I finished. I still need to Draw lots lots lots of illustration. my goal is to finish 3 chapter in each week, so by week 14, I already finish everything. Yeah, it is hard to achieve, but I am pushing my self harder than ever. I really want to finish this project with great result.

And here is the video I took when I preview my works in adobe muse. So far so good, nothing seems wrong, but the gif in this video is not exactly I wanted, it didn’t loop at all. I already set up everything before exporting the gif, but it seems it still not working, I need to fix that. More or less, my project will be like this. The early part is bright with tons of bright color and in few chapters it will turn to my palette, with dark tones and tons of greyish colors.