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Week 4, Initial Sketches

This week, I tried to illustrate the cover page of the book. I am redesigning the covers into my style with some darker tone. I once recreating the cover few  months ago, and I ended up revising the re creation instead. Here is the old design, the previous re design, and the newer redesign. I am planning to use the newer one for the cover book.

Since I am trying to make this into super interactive reading material. I decided to use web for the output material. Well, it is more likely to be paralax website. I decided to move into this platform because… well.. yeah… I am not really sure if I can get the animation to work properly on e pub, the interactive as well… It might be resulting into some issues during the process. I will try to put some random drawings using the website in Adobe Muse later on next week. I hope, at least the result is not far beyond my expectations.


Here is also the list of the scenes that I would like to illustrate. In consideration, this list might be lowered down or added in the future depending of how smooth the project will be. But I will try my best to illustrate all of this list!

For Scene to illustrate:


Chapter 1

Jones Salvage Yard (Simple Animated)

Inside the Secret Base (still Image)

Chapter 2

Jupe and Pete waiting with their best clothes (Still Image)

The Three Investigators Name Card (Still Image)

Alfred, Jupe, and Pete discussing about the terror castle (Still Image)

Chapter 3

The secret base, from outside looks (Still Image)

The facts about terror castle (Interactive, they can click on the newspaper article to get more information)

Chapter 4

Rolls Royce going to the Terror Castle (Animated)

Terror Castle from far (Animated)

Chapter 5

Echo Hall (Interactive, people can click on jupe and pete and then the echo will be animated)

Living Painting (Animated)

Chapter 6

Phone Ringing (Animated + Interactive. Answering the phone will continue the story)

Chapter 7

Stephen Terrill Photograph (Still Image)

Boulder falling (Animated)

Chapter 8

Jupe and Pete Stand stills, frozen (Animated)

Chapter 9

Jupe, Pete, and Jonathan Rex having drink in his bungalow (Still Image)

Chapter 10

Uncle Titus buying the organ (Still Image)

Skinny Norris Appearing (Still Image)

Chapter 11

The gypsy coming (Still Image)

The team going to terror castle again (Still Image)

Chapter 12

Terror Castle during the day (Animated)

Going back to painting again (Still Image)

Discovering the coffin (Animated)

Blue Ghost (Animated)

Chapter 13

Bob Telling his story (Animated)

Chapter 14

The Ghost in the Mirror (animated)

Marking the area with chalk (interactive)

Chapter 15

The dreadful fog (animated)

Pete and Jupe get caught (still image)

Chapter 16

Pete and Jupe in the prison (still image)

Chapter 17

Worthington and Bob found Jupe and Pete (Still Image)

A flock flies randomly (Animated)

Chapter 18

An interview with the ghost (Animated)

Stephen Terrill Emerges (animated)

Jupiter agreed to help Stephen Terrill (still Image)

Chapter 19

Discussion with Alfred Hitfield. (interactive)