Putu Deny Pratama Saputra

Week 15, Final!

Fiuh, this week is a rough week because I have to finish this project and have to prepare the exhibition. I have many things to improve with this project and there are still tons of illustrations that I want to animate that havent been done yet! but when there is a will, there is a way! I promised to my self if I can finish all the project before Monday! I will treat my self a new God of War video game! and hey, I actually did it! I finish everything Sunday night and just re upload every progress right now, 00.50 Monday.

Anyway, I manage to finish my project, at last, with all the illustrations done. Although, I really want to have some illustration to be animated/gif, but because time has come, I decided to put them on list and will do it during my free time after exhibition. I improved my grids and layout a bit more and now most of them are using two grids and some parts is using short one grid to adjust with the main illustration, the landscape illustrations. Here is the grid and the video result.