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Week 14, Revision and Layout

Last week to revise thing and do more stuff before submission and exhibition. So this week is a busy week and I completely, gave up using Adobe Muse. There is thing that I cannot do in Adobe Muse and they keep messing around with the stuff i want to have. For instance, I set my assets in grid 100, and when the scroll reach that line, the asset should be animated, yet, nothing happening and the asset didnt appear at all. Therefore, I address this issue with Rodrigo then decided to change my container into more approachable method. I really want to have my project as web graphic novel, but if I want to work on everything in completely new container, I cannot do that, it will be not possible. The only software I understand beside Muse is Dreamweaver or simple html can do this also, but then again, I need to downsize everything to fit in html, and I dont have time coding everything on Dreamweaver and do the test. Hence, I decided to move to E Pub now, it is emergency solution because I have been working with Indesign for a quite long time now and I already understand everything they have. I can execute the effects I want and the layout I want. With exception, there will be no scrolling effects.

I cannot push my self with Adobe Muse again, and I should find a way to finish this project without losing the main show. My illustrations are done (well, I still have 2 chapter left to illustrate, but I already sketch them all and will colour them this weekend) and I have the grid and layout already. Therefore, I can execute this without any concern.

So here is the layout and the grid, as well as the video