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Home » Self Initiated Project (Independent) » Week 11, Half Asset Done

Week 11, Half Asset Done

Yay for another milestone accomplishment. As I stated last week, I would like to finish half of the illustration before friday and I finished them on Saturday. wellllllll…..

Anyway, I still have half assets to go and plan to finish them by next week. All I need is to take reference picture and I can work on the style. I am used to trace the anatomy now, that I have no hard time to go with my style anymore. The issues are on the background drawings and the adobe muse later on. but after I finished all my works, I can focus on the layout afterward. Moreover, I decided to put the illustration into comprehensive layout in photoshop first, to see how it looks when I put them in Muse.

Here are the independent illustrations.


and here the actual picture fit in on the screen will be

My next save point is to finish all the asset sketch next week. I can do that as long as I have the reference picture that I will take next Monday.