Putu Deny Pratama Saputra

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Week 9, Progress and Layout

This week, I started compiling my works into indesign. I have finished collecting the data I needed for my project. Some of the data is complex and some of them are short. Therefore, I need to filter some more into more coherent in each pages. Moreover, I think now I need to put some informations regarding some codes and complex words used in my project. I will put them in the early page as the guidance for the encyclopedia. So far, here is the progress for my works. I would like to keep it simple and easy to follow. pictures won’t be overflowing pages to reduces some miss concept and miss information of each of the animals. I also already finished some of the animals drawings and the only thing left for me to do is finishing some short illustrations and compiling them in indesign, plus giving them some animation and interactivity.