Putu Deny Pratama Saputra

The Beginning

In the early meeting of programming class, we were asked and practicing on doing stuff and interface of dream weaver. Programming for creative design sure was a challenging course that I have to embrace. Programming needs skills and equilibrium of design and science. Being able to program will help myself in the near future.

In first meeting, we were discussing and practicing stuff that are related to interfacing and getting started of how to use dream weaver as web programming software. First practice was to make a site in dream weaver. Setting sites and getting to know what root file is, what should be named it, and many things. Making sites was not complicated, it almost the same as making folder, except, on the site you have to be sure where to save the file. After you finished it, moving files directly from directory is illegal. By doing so, you will either lose all your progress or your sites won’t work. Things like this have to be settled before everything. It is important to stay in order.

So here is the progress of the first week. Not much, but still important.