Putu Deny Pratama Saputra

Week 6

Gestalt teory

The gestalt word comes from the modern germany words which means put together. Furthermore, Gestalt is a psychology term which means “unified whole”. It refers to theories of visual perception developed by German psychologists in the 1920s. These theories attempt to describe how people tend to organize visual elements into groups or unified wholes when certain principles are applied. In the gestalt theory, there some big theories on it; similarity, continuation, closure, proximity, and figure and ground

similarity01An object could be seen in different way according to the point of view. There will be like a manipulation of the eye believing the nearest similar object. Even though the initial shape is triangle, when it comes into combination, a three of triangle could also make other triangle, and it looks so real even the shape is not perfect. The similarity theory will deliver a big image of the thing we see and let the brain process it into the similar one with most of the same pattern and same shape. If it is in the case of detective, I could say the gestalt theory of similarities almost the same as deduction, taking conclusion through visible elements and current elements.



The other is continuation which means the theory of our eye following some particular shape of the object. As an example the H words of the image, we keep following the smooth line of the H connecting it to the maple leaf, no? The next one is closure, this one is almost the same as similarity but it is more about Unfinished shaped could be determined as the finished objects. For instance the panda picture here, it looks like a panda, but the shape still unfinished yet. Our eye perceives the shape of the panda because we connect it to the closest similar shape. Proximity is



the next, the understanding of proximity is when some items are put in the close place, they often identified as united items, while if it puts on the far place it is called separate items. As an example this nine squares, one put in quite far place with other, and one in closest place. That is proximity! The last one is figure theory, which is differencing the background color and the foreground color. The color differentiation will lead into different perception of the shape of the color. As the example of these figures, they are in different color which will build other figure. proxaproxb

As the conclusion, we applied the gestalt theory in our everyday life. There are many things happening in our eyes and our eyes sometimes perceive one view instantly. We could determine what is the shape of the things we perceive without even think it is complete or not. Gestalt theory explains all the unique perception we receive from the eyes. It is natural for human being and it is actually awesome, we could see many things based on this perception.

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