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Week 9

Designer Process as Problem Solution

Day by day people always encounter many different problems. These problems should be fixed before it goes worst. There will be different way of problem solving for each person, same goes to designer. Every designer have different method regarding fixing a problem they encounter. How should the designer fix one problem? Are there any rules of fixing a problem and is there any good reason which method is the best solution

The term of fixing problem is based on each designer mind. There will always different mind and opinion about fixing a problem. Even though designer given a same concept at the first, soon they will process that concept differently toward their thinking and belief. There are several ways of good thinking of designer should follow in order to fix one problem. The design process describes how a designer should solve problem and how designer work is.  The way of designer solve a problem is different with how engineer and accountant solve it. Even though designer always makes an error during their way of fixing the problem, however this error never give them a high penalty, moreover this error will help the designer to solve the problem faster. Error does not mean designer failed to solve it, it is natural if error occur during problem solving process. And within the error, designer tends to be more creative and captivate to solve the problem.

There is no rule of fixing problem in design. Designer owns a freedom on how they should solve the problem that occurs on the process of designing. However, there is some basic rules to be followed if designer want to solve the problem right. There should be planning and clarifying on what the problem is. Secondly designer should be able to make a conceptual design. Next one is embodiment the problem, and the last one is detail the design problem solver. If designer could able to follow this simple process, hence they will be easier to solve a problem. Although, the problem solving process will be different as what explained before, their goal is same, solving a problem in designer’s way.

There is a diagram where people could see how is artist with engineer solves a problem. Artist tends to make mistake, but less being given penalty. While, engineers tend to make fewer mistakes, but when they did, they will receive high penalty. Designing problem solving could be done by describing the problem first, then find a way to solve it. During the class section, the lecture gave us a game which is interactive in way of raising critical thinking. One example is on the advertisement about car, the BMW car. The design problem is presenting a fast car, yet it will turn the point which could be twisting and funny. The problem solving is they present a car in high speed and in addition to make it stop, brake is not enough they need parachute to do it. Then at the end of the advertisement, the BMW car showed and it recorded the whole scene of the speed car, twisting yet a good promotional video. In conclusion the BMW is faster than the jet car and more stable. This is one way of solving a problem and it’s funny enough to make people curious.

Last, there is no such a good problem solving result. Since each problem doesn’t have any specific problem solving, there is always lots of way to fix it. Now it depends on how people could organize and solve it. Designer should able to solve a problem they face through their journey. As what we doing now, solving the problem occurs in the Ragunan zoo, it was hard decision to make the solution, but somehow we manage it and will do it until it finish. Solving a problem probably will be a good things to practice and making error, even though people see error as something not appropriate, but in designing, error does not mean failure, it mean one step to understand more.



Young, James. “Design Is About Solving Problems.” Smashingmagazine. August 24, 2011. Accessed November 2, 2014. http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/08/24/design-solving-problems

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