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Week 5 -Task-

Unique around Us

Living in the post modernism mean we will find something unique and never could be predicted. how people could invented such a weird yet unique products. the will of showing new thing to world is high so they produced such a new innovative products. I have found five unique products and will analyse it based on my perspective, how people will see the products, how they react, and how the design could attract them.

here is the first one, a cake. not the ordinary cake, but super un common cake. mostly cake shaped rounded and on the top of the cake, toppings put on but here look at this unique cake and innovative cake. the camera shaped cake! perhaps this cake is for a photographer who celebrate her/his birthday. the shape of the cake determine who it will  be for or what kind of he is like. as I am a game and love anime, I would like my birthday cake in something related to my likes. this unique design of cake will spice up the birthday party for your beloved one. even though at the end we will be very pity to eat the cake, because from their artistic view, it will be a waste if we eat it. this unique cakes also rise the appetite of someone, the more good looking the food, the more we want to eat them.

the second is this bento. It is a term for boxed lunch in japanese language. Japan always make a unique boxed lunch for their children to be bring to the school. we have to try this method in order to start our children healthy diet. by designing such a cute design on the bento, it will rise the appetite and also the children will eventually love to eat. the lunch look so healthy it contain lots of healthy food, children should be healthy if they eat this bento, the colour combination of the veggies look so interesting and they look like taunting us to eat them soon. rather than buying fast food or lunch outside, parents should try this boxed lunch and let their children know what is their favourite characters and parents should try to implement it, even though the design will be hard to implement, but when you done, it will look nice and your children will be happy to bring this lunch to the school. so design also raise the willingness to start healthy life.

the third is this foot towel, it look so environmental friendly from the first glance. but actually the green part is a moss,  a real moss! yes, probably this is very unique and innovative, since moss could also produced oxygen and it also could be a media to clean your feet after bathroom. the concept is weird enough but look at the usage. it use the real moss to become the part of the footwear. the design look fancy enough so it will no problem to become the part of the furniture. other than it looks, the function is quite same as the usual foot towel, but the moss is a ling thing, and it could produced oxygen also, they also could grow and we have to maintain them too.

the fourth is a heels. this footwear for women look always interesting to be decorated. mostly people use heels or plain heels for only footwear, but nowadays they improved it with some creation on it, they carved new things that look interesting to be combined with heels. one of the example is this heels, it look like a shoes being stamp on a gum waste. it look like when you stamp the gum and you walk, the gum will  be sticked on your shoes and it will become elastic. funny but interesting, some people will be tricked with this unique heels. other than show off this also could become a tool for prank and a tool to express your mind on a heels. really innovative, it also could attract people to see your beautiful feet.

at the last, there is a unique bag from Japan. Japan always full of creativity and surprise. this one from a bag, it look so real and funny and the same time. the expression of spider so funny. even though some people might find this very weird but mostly people will be very impressed to see the funny design. the design quite surprising, who know someone would definitely knit a whole spidey bag. the looked of the bag is like a baby being back ride by the person in front of it. well it is very attractive and could attract many people’s eye to see it, but it could attract the suspiciousness from the police because it looks like a baby.

the conclusion is, consumer products have the effect on how the people around us will see the product. some with high mental will be no problem to bring it everywhere along with them. but some might not and keep themas collection in the house. the design affect the final product of a good, people tend to find a unique one because it is unique and different from the other, the feeling of special will be on the goods it self.

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