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Week 5 (or perhaps 6)

Designer Create a Design to Design a Design

The latest lecture of origin of design becomes interesting because of the material being lectured. Quite basic, but also advance in some subject. The material being teaches is almost the same as the first time we entered the faculty. The meaning of design and stuff around.  From the lecture I could learn about new concept about what is design, function of design, and also the way design affect people life. On this 6th essay, I will explain again about them. Perhaps it will also raise my knowledge a lot.

Design is a term for everything about creation and creating something, whether it is for our self or for society. In term of word, design is verb, so design is not the profession of someone but more into a work of someone. While designer is the noun, it is a occupation of a person. But yesterday I got confuse of term between design is  an occupation or not. So after doing research and observing the slide carefully, I could said not in particular. Design is more into work on something to create something, it is not occupation where you will be paid for what have you done, but it more in self satisfaction. While designer is the most suitable word for job according to term of creating something which is being paid by someone.  So now I could rest on thinking hard between design and designer, which is the job and which is not.

Now after the short differentiation between designer and design, I would like to explain more deep into the function of design in our life. The basic function of design is to make our life easier and everything that being design is supposed to make our life easier. In term of design, everyone could become a designer, but the product that being made have other function. The rue designer will make a design of something that being used and need by many people, while the amateur designer will make a product that only being used by them only. That is the different between amateur designer and professional designer. Now, do the designer need to learn something particular regarding the design? Yes is the exact answer. We as the designer have to learn many things regarding design and also about society and environment. This is most must be done by all professional designer. If you want to create a masterpiece that being used by many people you have to know the function, usage, and how much people will need it in their life. You have to learn many things before you could make something really useful for the society. People could create something, but it might be really useful for other, despite of it, designer should be creative and imply that everything they created should and must have function, whether for their self or for mass usage.


The next one is about how design will affect the whole life human being. As something that human made, design should be useful and could be used by other too. The point of design being designed by designer is to make human life could become easier than before. People want to make everything as easy as blinking the eyes.  Moreover, the technological development raises the opportunity of making life easier. Design is the basic thing to change the world, for further change, design need the connection with technology and other division to reach want we want, the simple way. In daily life, people make something; they created something and use them. Example in my life, I do create a mug for my drawing pen from recycled mug in the canteen, I doodle-d them and it arranges my pen into one. That is design, to create something useful for us. People tend to believe design is making something expert, something complex, but from simple thing you could satisfy other too. Design is not only about creating things that is for huge purposed, but also for simple purpose.

From all those short summary of design in term of meaning and function, I could say that it is very crucial to know difference between design and designer. Well although some will said both of them is the same, but it has different meaning. The function of design is also a bit confusing at the first because design covers many things in life. Therefore, by reading some resources and finding new things on design, we will be able to understand more about design. A man learns design to become a professional one so he could create something that being used by other, not only for his/herself. Become a professional designer is also to become a man who could always satisfy other with his/her creation

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