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Week 3 -Lab Hour-


practice  copy

Today is the first day of learning photoshop and I made this as the first trial. the concept that I used is expose the doodle. well, there are 2 main drawings/pictures, but actually, those drawings are one unity, I separate the sides because it will look better rather than using only one side. the doodle fill up the spaces and it looks better rather than using lot’s of images. the main picture is the 2 doodles. of course they are, because they are the main topic of the poster. the tittle represent my art, and the HANAMURA words is my symbolic name. I also add the time of the exhibition to inform the readers/audiences when the exhibition will be held. so, all those sum up into Hanamura will held a Doodle Exhibition on Saturday-Sunday, 20-21 October 2014. the 2 doodles represent the art of what will be exhibit in those days. I kept the white background, but have edit it with burn tool, to make the colour more brown and look darker a bit. the pictures have been burned too, since look in brown is better rather than black and white colour.

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