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Week 2

Printing History, The Guttenberg Machine

Back then, in the late renaissance, how do people read books? How they write the book? And how much they spent their time to write the book copy? As we are now, we acknowledge the power of printing. With one machine you could copy more than 10! Despite of its usefulness, how the printed being invented and how this machine influence design and art remains a mystery. But no worries, today I will gather the information and explain it in brief.

Print is a process to produce a text, picture, by applying inked types, plates, or the pattern to paper or other material by direct pressureor indirectly incredibly by offsetting an image onto an intermediate roller[1].  In other word printing is the process of getting the same exact files (mostly books and document). The first printing process was performed by Johan Guttenberg, although his invention was inventing movable device. He invented the printing process around 1445[2], that time, by inventing the machine, it let people to get the same copy as the original artwork. Even so, the capability of this machine still quite low. This makes the first print device quite useful yet it still has many lack of feature.

Actually, before Johan Guttenberg invented the printing machine, the Chinese, Bi Zheng, known as the first person who invented the moveable type technology. But his invention was not popular enough, only the Chinese acknowledge it, and have been recorded in few essay and script in the past.


The machine that Guttenberg invented could produce about 3.600 copy of pages each workday. More than the typographic machine that only could produce about 2,000 pages per workday. This is quite useful for European people. After its debut, Guttenberg machine have been produced through the European. Although the machines have been spread out widely, the first book that published is around 20 years later.

The process of printing is quite simple. First you have to make the letter shaped parts, the way to make it quite simple, all you need is to carve the wood into letter shape, there is 26 letter in alphabet and you have to craft all of them, and then put the word you want to make on the bronze plate. The ink will be spread onto it. The next stage is press it as strong as possible, and the letter will be written on the paper, quite tiring, but the work could produced about 4000 words in 1 hour.

The other function of this machine is it could print note too, the songs note. The first song note printed is Harmonice Musices Odhecaton, by Octavianno Petruci. Consist of 96 secular songs. This is the first and early music note books.


After this era, the first typing machine has been in 1881. The machine has the same function, to create words with machine, but this is more into typing rather than pressing. Typing machine takes function of printing machine. They only able to type without doing copy, but you can copy the whole book by re-type it using this machine though. The type machine influenced the computer and the effectiveness of printing. People tend to use type machine to make the books or documents and then copy it into lots of copies by printing them with printing machine.

How this influenced people? By the invention of Guttenberg, people now could read the same article without waiting the other to finish first. Nowadays, the styled of modern printing machine still about the same in design, although the structure of the machine has been improved a lot. Modern printing machine have been well known worldwide, all of this is because of Guttenberg, without him, right now, we might now read my article, and you cannot read newspaper daily.[4]









[1] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/print?s=t

[2] http://www.learner.org/interactives/renaissance/printing.html

[3] http://historyofinformation.com/images/harmonice_musices_odhecaton.jpg

[4] http://kevinmallard.wordpress.com/2011/03/

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