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Week 13

Sketching is a Big Step of Success


                Planning everything you want is important in life, it also important in designing. Sketching is the term of planning and directing us to get a better product result. The act of sketching is a way of designer design the initial step of a product; the initial sketch is the first product design. By sketching, it will improve the result and also the drawing skill of a designer. Sketching is not only about rough drawing, it also about planning and future plan.

Sketching is the term of fast drawing in order to get a glimpse of what will we draw. The act of sketching best described a quick and artificial drawing. However, from sketching we learn about what we will make in the next stage. Sketching is about directing our self to get influence in the drawing most of the designer will do sketching to make their initial product design, how it should be and how the product should look like. Through sketching, we learn about failure and also improvement. Improving the sketch is important in order to reduce the weakness of the product and also increasing the strength of a product itself.


Through sketching, we learn about preparing our self for the next step. Designer tends to sketch everything before they start working on the real thing, so do their actions. Sketching is the directions of making something into something useful and also as planned as before. Sketching is also the term to describe visualization through written language. When we visualize something in our mind and then we want to make how clear the image is, it could be done by sketching. It improves the final result we can get the clearer image of what we think, what our idea is. Rough sketch describe also about human life in the beginning. Some said sketching is the dialogue, yes it is true, sketching is the dialogue of how we could interpret the dialogue into something touchable and see able only about listening. That is how designer should work, able to make something abstract into a see able initial product.

birdand butterfly

Moreover, designer learns best from failure. Rather than thinking too much and then put them in the paper, designer will mostly think less and let it flow, let the idea flow in the hands. From those they create something which is not as exact as the first initial. The process through creating is based on failure. The more failure designer encounter, the better product will be. It contradiction with other field, designer best learn from failure. It is because failure is the stepping stone to reach the better result of design. As we learn before in the previous material, designer has to experience something in order to be able to make a good design. The experience could be indeed they experience it or they listen to other experience. Sketching is also an experience, through sketching we learn about failure, we learn about the wrong and the right parts of drawing. Sketching is also the process, a design process.

Through sketching we learn various things, from failure, mistake, emotions, and effort. Sketching is a design process in order to create a better design. As we proceed into further definition, sketching is not only about rough drawing, it also about planning the future, planning a good plan to make a good design. Sketching is important in outlining the whole narrative and the design. Failure is not a big mistake; failure is part of sketching, when designer fail to attempt the first goal by taking wrong path, there is always other path to reach the goal.


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