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Week 12: Seminar and Workshop Review

Electricity as New Problem

As the world proceeds into the better future, there is many problems occur each day. Whether economic problem, politic problem, water problem, or fuel problem. One of the problems is electrical problem which is about the insufficient amount of electrical usage in the world. As we know, there is many place to be lighten up, many building should be lighted in the evening and also roads. In this case the usage of good materials of lighting is important to decrease the amount of electrical crisis in the world. The world is running out of space for electric yet need to light many. There are many ways of saving the electric and also conserving electric by using LED light.

There are plenty of house in one village and not all the house have a good lighting. The problem in our country which we encounter about everyday is the one who need electric does not able to get them due to geographical problem, and the one who have electric waste theirs. Very common, but the electrical wasting not only will affect the government, but also the world. Electricity is important in daily life, whether for lighting the house or turning on the electronic devices. The electrical problem in Indonesia is not only about geographical problem, but also financial problem regarding the electrical fee.

As the world progress into better, there are plenty of new inventions and discoveries being found in order to create a better energy power. Power conservations is one of the material being discussed on the workshop. And by power conservations, they mean using LED instead old electrical lamp. LED or light emitting diode is one of the best solutions of the electrical crisis trough lamp innovations. LED emits more light than the normal lamp. The newest type of LED is blue color, which is safer and more efficient rather than the old colors, green and red. LED is in progress to reach the new stage, the violet color which mean more efficient watt and emits more lights. LED is not really expensive, even though it is more expensive than the regular lamp, but the life of LED is longer and also the light is brighter than other.

The advantages of using LED are it consumes less electricity, only about 3 watt. The lifetime for LED is about 40,000 hours. A cost effective term is applied to LED. It means that the initial purchase fee is expensive, but soon when we use it, it lifetime is longer than other lamp and it also consume less energy which mean it is better even though expensive.  Does not really need many space. By purchasing LED, it is a good choice rather than using common lamp and it also helps the energy conservations a lot!

The conclusion is, the innovation and discoveries of LED lamp is really helping the world through energy conservation and safe energy! LED is not only about lighting, it is conserving energy through its low consume of electricity and by low consume it means it could save lots of electricity and enough to light other area which is need more. LED is a good choice for energy conservations and right now they keep developing the LED until it reach its maximum ability and less consume electric. Start helping the world by doing energy conservation, especially electric conservation!


Heaven, Lamb. “Kelebihan Lampu Led Dibanding Lampu Neon.” Lambo Heaven. November 24, 2013. Accessed December 6, 2014. http://lambofheaven.blogspot.com/2013/11/keunggulan-dari-lampu-led-konsumsi.html.

Seminar dan Workshop in Jakarta Design Center about Electricity development and conserve

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