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Week 1


Art and design, refers to express mind and behavior. To express more, people always look up for something new, creative, and interesting. In art, those could be called as graphic design. According to a study in Helfand (2001), the word of graphic design refers and stand for many various way of expressing art itself, whether a typography, iconographic, paper work, or paint. Although the media is different but in graphic design they all look the same; to express one massage to other. Graphic design stands for problem solving matter; it’s containing sustainable innovation, creativity, and technical expertise [“What Is Graphic Design?” AGDA. Accessed September 5, 2014. http://www.agda.com.au/about/what-is-graphic-design/.%5D


Photograph N. Aujoulat (2003) © MCC-CNP

Despite of being always problem solving, graphic design also let people understand more about how actually is designer deliver their massage into society. The history of graphic design, in short; it is established since the stone era, when the first field hunting and living in the cave was become part of human life. As the way to telling their generations on how to survive in the wildlife, the elder make a images which they draw in on the cave wall. The only colors that available that time were red from blood and black from charcoal. One of the famous cave art was Lascaux, found in the Dordogne, South France [http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/lascaux/]. It is well known because of the painting of mass big bulls and horses, which we can see those are the people main dinner that time. The way of how the elder show us how was their life is so simple, yet it has some mysteries of whose the one established the art of drawing in the cave, how they send their message through the cave wall. But because of this, we could know that the graphic design is being well know by people since long time ago, and this was the first step on how graphic design influences our daily life.

By changing of people daily routine, it will also change their behavior towards other, and it will affect on how they should express and let people know what they want or thinking. The power of graphic design changing too, flowing as the people mind. They kept changing and transform in order to adapt with the new phase. By the end of 2013, we have know some categories of graphic design which also symbolizing the part of human daily activity; corporate design, environmental design, motion design, interaction design, type design, publication design, book design, book jacket design, and more of them [“About Graphic Design.” In The Revalations, 8-15. 1st ed. Vol. 1.]. One of the most interesting is interaction design. Every day in our daily life, we do interactions towards other, and by words, it become nature of human to interact with other. But, here graphic design gives us more perspective on how is the right interaction should be. Late 1900, most people do interactions face to face, they talk to each other straightly, no matter how far are them, they will settle up a meeting to only to talk each other, this is interactions. But, nowadays, since the phone and internet invented, people have access to communicate with other faster, and cheaper. This save more time rather does a long journey to only visit one person. In other terms, this can be referred that graphic design influences our daily life, known by us or not.



By understanding on how people interact each other today, we can conclude that, graphic design change a lot and it gave us more opportunity to have new way to communicate to each other, efficiently, effectively, and creative.  One of the significant changes we could see here is, the art of wall. In the old times, it supposed to be drawing in the cave, but now by the influence of graphic design, the new way to tell the message is by doing grafitti . But mostly grafitti refer to rebellion since it is street art and use wall as the media, but some people believe, this is the new way to express your mind!

There is always a side effect of consuming medicine, so do Art. Half people will always happy to see new innovative way to express the message, while the other half always doubting on it, ‘’isn’t that bad’’ or ‘’we have to stop’’.

By reviewing from some resources and articles, we can say that, graphic design influence people since the beginning until now. We can’t live without graphic design because it is the way how to tell other about what we are want to, the art of telling other what are in our mind.  People always look the new way to tell people what’s in their mind, whether the art of telling is good or bad, we have to tolerate it because each of us gifted with different cultures and different way of thinking.

I will add 2 more type of art which is influence by people life. one of them is 3d street art. rather than using paper nor drawing book as the media, this art more focus on using street as their main media. different with graffiti, this art is legal and sometimes being supported by people. this is one of my favourite 3d art. the perspective view is important here to make it into 3d drawing, although this is hard and quite experts, but people seem to enjoy this. the other my favourite art is doodle, simple but detailed. this is maybe a piece of cake when someone see and observe it, but actually this is so hard! people will see this quite simple, but for the artist this will be one of the detailed art. at the last, we can see how graphic design produce new arts to enjoy, the new innovation keep the change happen and let people be more creative.


one of new experience I experienced is, art is complicated. this morning, I lectured by my teacher about the origin of design, and wow! It was so motivating yet I am teribly confuse by a word ”Balance” and ”Proposition”. I was understand how to differ both of this words, but when one of my friend asked the question about the difference between them, I become dizzy. see sometimes easy word will ruin your belief! it is completely like graphic design, you could understand what is design, but sometimes you will lost in thought on how you understand those art. well, according to my research during the class discussion, I could understand in every art balance is exist, balance refers to how an art compose, the composition. while proportion more refers about the materials, or an art will be look proportion when all the elements of the art is combined and it will look steady, look perfect on weight in every elements.

one of the knew knowledge I learn in this section is the different perspective to see an art. you can not always push people to see the perspective of design in one perspective, but also, you have to understand other people perspective. as an example if you more relax to see a naturalism style art, you may find someone who not into naturalism, but more into surrealism. you have to understand the way of other thinking and graphic design always improve along with the new perspective way of point of view. as a designer, point of view from many perspective is important to know more about your target and costumer. as same as combining elements of design, there are many elements and if you combine them one to be one art it will turn into a masterpiece! same as people, if you could combining all people interest which is quite hard though, it will turn out nice to see people enjoy your art, your outcome! well we may not always combining people perspective into one, but as long as people enjoy our art, it will a reward of ourself. graphic design will always change depend on today flavour, and they will keep changing along with human new way of thinking.

design is complicated though, but if you learn more, this is will be the most interesting subject ever. we combine elements to create a masterpiece. we combine things to create creation. and we always look for the future. one of my favourite quotes which always cherish me up is, ”You can copy an art, you can steal the imagination, you can plagiarism an creativity, but you can not steal a gift,” Kerby Rosanne, a Doodle Artist. well this is my first essay and I will improve more and more in next assignment.

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