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Week 7 Midterm Test

The Album of Life

the concept and my intention of this design will be shortly explained. I received and get Wildan Kemal’s initial work design. his concept is about life journey from baby up until old. he takes the subject as a woman. the addition of his design is he would explain them in poem like story. so I decided to stick with this concept with some editing and some improvement in the term of words and picture. the initial image is 5 pictures of baby, child, young adult, adult, old. however, I would like to create some compile images with those images, so I make one by using the existing images. the new image will cover eyes part of each picture. the concept that I used is still the same as Kemal’s concept, but here I improved the words of the poem. I add some extra poetic words and also motivational words.

the typography that I used is mostly Brush Script MT and Arial for the date. My intention why I used those typography is the Arial is match enough to describe date font and also the brush script mt looks like a hand writing by using a pen. more over I make the images close to the photo image of 90’s camera. When I think about memories in picture, I comes with the old camera which will instantly print out the images after we shot the moments. therefore, I made it look as the same as possible like in the old 90’s camera result. the images was in colour, but I change them into black and white to add the feel of old picture and also nostalgic. I add the date to make sure this is taken that time and this is the journey of a girl growth. in addition I add some different stripes colour in every page. baby in blue, young girl in light magenta, young adult in cream, adult in magenta, and old in lime. the purpose of this one is to make a feeling of each stage of life has different taste of life, the life represented in the colour. Blue represents the innocence, light pink represent the playful, cream represent the attracting, magenta represent maturity, and lime represent retire. the stripes exist in order to make the audience feel more alive too when they look at the images.

that is all about the concept in this design. in short statement, the design concept is about memory of the journey we once done. the titles has been explaining almost all of the concept, The Album of Life. kindness won’t be forgotten, even though we are dead already. that is the quote from the last images, describing how important to be kind (the morality message from this design).

here is the initial image and Kemal’s concept


Hi world.

Smile to tell the untold.

Never surrender to create gold.

You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.

Bye World.


Life journey from Baby, child, young adult, old, until die.

 The first picture and the last picture are colorless, only white and black. The texts are actually a poem that explains each picture in each sentence.

baby Child2color old3color veryold youngadultcolor

and this is my final designs.

midtesy midtesy2 midtesy3 midtesy4 midtesy5

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