Putu Deny Pratama Saputra

Developing a story is important for any project we are making. A story can be original, improvement, or basically following the existed story. Story is enriching the narratives of our works. A good story will leads into a communicative way to explain your idea and purposed. A good story should contain a good story world. A story world should consist of many things because it holds the success of the narratives.

A story world is the world where everything happens throughout the story. It is like the world within the story. In the Harry Potter series, the story world can be said the Hogwarts, in the Maze Runner, the story world is the maze and the world of apocalypse. Having a constant story world is the key of success in the narratives. Story world should also contain the background of each character. It should be explained either brief or complex, but as long as it served the audience clear explanation of who is this characters. Story world may contain the specific ideas of something. For instance, adding a new belief to audience, like adding mechanical robot called robotto and making the audience belief robotto is the new transportation and battle weapon in the story world. It might be hard within first try to have something new introduced. Audience might not easily remember and understand the purpose.

Making new story world is not easy. Engaging the audience to have participation in the creation is very hard. People will likely to neglect the idea in the first place. They might not enjoy the world of our creation in the first impression. But as soon as we able to convince them towards the new story world, it will be easier in the process to introduce characters and their role in the narratives. A story world should also contain a good timeline. Whether the timeline of the character or the timeline for the story world. It should be clear to make the audience understand the flow of the story.

Having proper story world will leads into proper story line and story flow. Audience also will enjoy the narratives even more! Story world should be original, but having original story world is much harder than we might think. It might be very hard to introduce it to audience. But once the audience know the our story world, the limit is breakable. It will be a great narratives!