Putu Deny Pratama Saputra

To get our project viewed as success project. It is very crucial to understand the audience. Understanding the audience can be either understanding what they want and they need and also by understanding our purposed to create the projects. The audience might or might not enjoy our project, but when we able to pleased the audience with our movie, drawing, or animation, it will bring a feel of accomplishment.

Understanding the audience to improve the quality of something is very important. Audience is the key of success that can be measured easily. When the audience is enjoying the movie, they will post a goo and responsive comment through their blog, facebook, twitter, or instagram. That can be count as free advertising for our product. To understand the audience, we can observe who our audience is. If we are making a movie focusing on teenager, then our target of audience is the teenager. We are targeting people from 12-18 to enjoy our movie. When we able to pleased them with the movie, then our goal to understand the audience is accomplished.

The other is by understanding what will turn on our audience. What is in the hot topic this week? It can be something that we never explore before. To get fast attention from our fellow audience, creating something based on the popular one will attract them fast! If in the town there is a rumor about UFO landing, why don’t we make a animation focusing on UFO and Alien? It will be hits within the time and therefore it will be a trending topic. Getting to understand what the audience wants is very important if we want our project important for them.

When we are supported by the audience, we will be happy to create more creation. This will leads into transmedia acknowledgement. For instance we are making a movie, then we screen the movie to the several audience the engaged to our work.  After they watch it, there is slight chance they will post the review through their timeline in social media. It will help us to gain more audience to come and see the movie directly. Having a good audience is important, building them is hard. But once we able to get their attention, it will be a piece of cake to gain more audience.


References from  Robbert Pratten Book