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Week 3

How a Book Tell a Story

‘’Once upon a time,’’ that is one magical word that will remind you of your childhood. Most of the parents tell their children a story before they go to sleep, the story might be a fable, a myth, a legend, of just a story of what their children want. This is a way of parents letting their children about the past and perhaps they will also tell a story of their own tradition. In this 3rd essay, I would like to understand more about how a book will affect human thinking and how it will grant us with knowledge. Book is as powerful as weapon, as sharp as knife, and as beautiful as majesty. Here the result of my research after reading some materials.

Human needs to communicate, that’s why the writing exists. But what will they tell the other? Is it a joke, daily conversation, or historical day of their life? People nowadays used such a material to deliver what are in their mind, the material is a paper. They will write what are in their mind, combining every word to create sentences and at the end from the sentences we get a full page telling some stories. After one page of paper created, then it will turn into books. Back to the past, how people deliver their mind through the media? No books, no facebook, no twitter. They were using wall, leaf, stone and some will use animal skin as the writing media. Now let’s go to the previous topic. Books, why it could be so important in our life? Book is the way of the writer to tell the story to human. Whether it is the story of their self (biography/autobiography), a fairy tale, a fable, or a horror story. The way of writer telling a story is different; it depends on their style and their way of thinking. Some might tell the story in detective perspective, like having a research of a crime, letting the audience to guess what kind of motives and reason. Some might tell the story by children way of thinking, having a happy scene, giving a plentiful story of family, or meaning of life. This is will affect how the audience will receive the story. Some might like it, while some might not. It is true, the way of writer thinking will affect the book itself, and will the audience accept the book or not.

Now, we are seeing a book from audience perspective. What is book actually for them? I am as the one of the audience shared a perspective of book. Book is a media you could touch, you can see, and you can feel about the author artwork. Despite of its looks, book is the key to enter the world of imagination and a window to see the other world. For me, book is important; you will find new things to read, new way of thinking, and understanding other perspective.  The story which the author want to tell or re tell should be clear, so the audience could understand the motives of the writer to write he story. The media that being used should be attractive and related to the topic of the book. It will be shame if the genre of the book is romance, but the cover is comedy.  Well perhaps it might not be really good though. by reading books, the way of our thinking change slightly, which mean, reading books give us some new point of view, whether it is good or bad. It does rise you critical mind, to concluding the story, to think critically, and/or to learn new experience through book.  Even though some books will be confusing for some readers, but if the concepts and the motives of the writer is clear, then you just need some adjustment trough it. You will probably find the true meaning of the books.

By seeing from those two perspective, we could understand that reading book not only will transferred what the writer want the readers want to read, but also they transfer their culture and they transfer their knowledge too. How? When you read a book, the book contain the cultural side of the author, example if the author is an England, they will mostly used old words or phrase to describe some things, ee’ or thou for you, art (and) , or etc. while American writers tend to use non formal language such as, you, color, and other. In Indonesia, we mostly combined those Americans and England for variety. See, different author will affect the book itself, so how they writer write a story will affect how the audience will view it.

Book could be called as the eye to see the whole new world. You will always learn new thing from reading books. That is the purposed of the book being published. All the writers want the reader to get the knowledge of theirs. That’s why; no book will turn you to the wrong side. When you read the book, that time is the time where the knowledge of the author will be transferred to your brain. From all generations, they believe book is the most powerful media to transfer knowledge between others, so do I. I believe, by reading book we will also learn new knowledge, new thing, and new places. Book is what we need in this century!

So in order to conclude this essay, let me one of my favorite quote about books. “Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another’s skin, another’s voice, another’s soul.” — Joyce Carol Oates. It is true that book always gives us what we want and what we will want. I am really grateful that book invented for the first time. Without book, Ii might not be as bookworm like this. Reading book will always fun especially if you read with your dearest one. So start reading now and learn all the new things!



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