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Week 12 Movie Screening

Lola Run Lola Review

                Run Lola Run is the third movie we screen in the campus. This movie is less confusing than the other two. Lola Run Lola narrative is clear and I could read the story well, even though some part makes me confuse a little bit. However, this movie contains lots of elements on it.

The story of this movie is about saving a boyfriend from being killed because he lost the bag of money. Lola is the main character here and she do anything to save her boyfriend. The narrative being chopped into three parts, which is each parts have different story and ending. The first narrative ends up with Lola death. The second one end up with Manny’s death. And the last one end up as happy ending. Each part has different story but still in one same setting and plot. It begins with phone and then Lola run down stair, she run out of the apartment. After that, she encounter the old woman with baby, she run beneath the train, and she encounter priestesses and a boy who stole a bike. After that an encounter with the guy who took the money, but she pass through him. The next one is she meet Mr. Mayer, in the car. And then scene in the bank, talking with her dad. The last one is scene she meet with Manny.

What I could understand from this movie is the willingness to get a happy life. All explain a way to survive no matter how and no matter what the cost is. There is some part which explain some action that is right to do and not. These movies explain a lot the way adolescence think that time, and their motive on doing something. But at the third part, it explains how to solve a problem with clear mind and the most appropriate way, not robbing or killing. Even though explained by betting in the casino, but it is still appropriate way of receiving money in German that time.

The part which makes me confuse is the way it transited each story. The first story and the second one transited with the scene in bed, which make a confusing for audience. After Lola or Manny wake up from the dead, it is like only imagination of Lola because the movie retake when the phone scene again. The transition is not clear enough and it is like a plot hole. What is the other story mean then? Is that only a story which about other condition or not? But the most logic one, the two first story is explaining other condition which Lola should take in order to save Manny, but the third story is the best condition and she does the third condition as the way to save Manny.

The conclusion for this movie is, this movie is great in term of story. It also has much way to tell the story, animation, imagination, and real action. The story has a deep meaning about surviving and opportunities. The story also explains on how teenager thinks during that time, what their motives behind their action. However, there is some plot hole on the movie, which is about the transition. No explanation of the first two story, are they only a side story explaining other condition or just imagination of Lola? Even though there are some plot holes on the story, but the story already explain a meaningful story about surviving in three ways.

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