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Task 1

the concept that I used on this task is about mind trick. I watched some random video in the youtube a few weeks ago and found a really interesting trick to make infinite chocolate (well probably not real infinite). this trick will easily trick your family and most important, trick your litre sister/brother. the video is attached. so now on the process making those,  animation.

first, I try to find the images in the internet, I found many, but none of them work well when I slice them and try to arrange them. so I decided to make one instead and the result can be seen in the video. after that, I sliced them apart as the instruction so it will be moveable each parts. then I use motion path to make it moving, and some using rotation and just key frame. as the result, the animation is in the video. I also made the explanation in other video 🙂


here is the video of my animation

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