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Digital Illustration/Background Design

A simple walking movement I created.

Animating the static image from Totoro Movie Banner

I am animating old drawing that I created.

This is From newest Outlast Game trailer. I re animate one scene and add some movement from the scene, including the hanging body, the fallen tree, and the paralax effect.

Snowy Winter

I am trying to create a background design for winter season, then I decided to animate it. The animation simply done in After effect and only using particle effect to create the snow.

This one is an old drawing, but I decided to animate it a bit by adding meteor shower animation. It is not really looks natural, and I probably need to adjust the speed.

I am turning the previous image into 3D animation. Although It seems very not smooth, but I just want to practice my skill after long time not touching After Effect :/

Deep Dark Forest


I am practicing a brighter colour combination and this is so random colouring I put together.

A nightwalk.

I am trying to create a memorable scene, in attempt of that, this illustration is full of trial and error. I manage to create this piece after a week of composing the colour and characters.

Spring Grassy Plain.

A piece I create to practice lighting and cloud and also composing bright colour. I was used to use with darker colour that I sometimes forget how to use the brighter colour.

Summer Breeze Woods

I am trying to create a breeze of the woods during the summer. I am not sure is this the right colour composition, but adding the fireflies made it a bit better.

Autumn Flower Field

Another practice to help me getting better composing the colour and creating beautiful scenery.

Dark Forest

I am practicing light and a bit creepy scene.


An attempt to draw flat surface, but ended up giving more contours and depth. ( . _ . )