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Week 1 What is ICT?

ICT or Information and Communication Technology is a principle that mostly promote the latest activity regarding technology, universal design, and communication. The field is not only about hard-ware technology, but it can be soft-ware technology, such as internet and electronic software. ICT can be specified as technology based knowledge because the information and communication through ICT is instant and fast. ICT helps people to be fast participants in many occasion. Business, Engineer, Military, Security, and Design. ICT purposed is to help humanity to get things easier. It helps communication easier as well as helping people reaching cross island friend in instant. ICT and Design can be aligned as co-existence. Both of these fields are helping humanity to be ready for future.

ICT evolved as Design thinking established in centuries. ICT introduced to help people gain information instantly, while Design helps to modify ICT to be better and reachable for most of the peoples. Ex, Telephone was so pricey during it first invention and very conventional, but now, telephone evolve into modern phone called as smartphone with more simple interface. Smartphone evolved as well into direct face communication where people can communicate each other directly through video. Technology evolves as well as design. People will always find the best way to ensure everything will be easier for people in the future. And ICT helps people achieving the goal faster.