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Home » ICT New Media » Week 13 Construct 2 Video Games Progress

Week 13 Construct 2 Video Games Progress

Concept: Shooting Video Game

Setting: Night Desert

The concept of my video game is shooting video game. The Setting is in the desert at the nighttime and there will be several kind of monster that should be destroyed in order to proceed to the next level. The main character is a boy and he has a weapon that shot paint. Because it should be related to my website, therefore, I narrow down the character creation into doodle-like being. All the assets are created in adobe Photoshop CC by using rough sketch. Because of my website template is using Starry Sky background, I want to keep the Template and applied it in my video game.

Further reason why I decided to make a shooting video game is because I do not have supportive windows to help my work. I only able to use the computer in lab and the time is limited. Therefore, I try to keep the game simple and applying all the things I learned from the class as well as bringing the simple game element to its fullest potential. I will add several options including menus, main menus, character selections, and stage level selections.

In first I was thinking to insert gif file, I had created the animated image by using gif and when I try to import it, it won’t working. In order to create movement, it need image sequence files, therefore, I decided to make a simple sequences.

Here is the progress of what I have done so far.







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3 2 1

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2 1 button-play