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Week 10

133672406_14116409352431nThe creative industry in Indonesia has become a huge topic lately. Bienelle and Trienelle are modern art exhibition that had been held throughout many big country and also Jakarta, Indonesia. Even though there are lots of creative industry that held different kinds of art exhibition, but nowadays, we are in crisis of exhibition. Not as much as decades ago, not as sophisticated as aged ago. Nevertheless, art event are rarely nowadays.  As far as I could see, today, art are merely as object not the subject, people enjoying art as a way of creative ideas. However, art should be have purposed, it is an expression of a human.

The initiative efforts of Indonesian artist are within logical boundary.  I merely see that they would achieve the highest thing that will make Indonesian more popular into the international level. However, rather than seeing what above us, why we would not see what below us? Local artist are struggling through the low interest market. Art market is in crisis, local artist are competing with foreigner artist that bring their original style to Indonesia. Looks what befall upon us, our generations are more into American style, Japanese style, a few that interest in local style. What is our style? A question that is cannot be answered until now.

01_310The efforts of resurrecting the art interest by doing exhibition and cultural activity seems not quite successful yet. Through the ideas of Bienelle, art exhibition regain their name slowly. However, Bienelle is not a huge success in Indonesia. Most of Bienelle that held here are only happen once and then them gone bankrupt due to high preparations, but low earnings. There were art exhibition that is quite successful, called Jog Art. A Jogja Art Exhibition. The idea is pretty impressive, there is one main theme that will be installed in front of the building and it becomes the focus of attention. This exhibition could be interesting value for Indonesia art in the future.

The sad part of the effort of Indonesian Artist doing so far is the lack of interest by the locals. Without the local’s supports, the efforts of the artists are meaningless. Nowadays, foreign arts are more likely to be accepted rather than our original art. There is big reason for this, first is the new air of foreign style, second influence through entertainment. Our art are not strong enough when it comes into entertainment. Even we try to closed our door to foreign arts, there is a huge demands by the people inside. Therefore, the competition is real and hard to be avoided.

venicebiennale_1Through the internationalize, our art can be accepted by outside of Indonesia, however, we are crisis of internal interest. Local artists are struggling with lack of acknowledgement by the local folks. The competition between local art and foreign art is in edge. There is no way we will survive if there is no support from the inside. We can reach the highest level, but the lowest level is not on our side. If we want to have our own, the national gallery and museum of arts, we cannot just aiming the international level, aiming the lowest level is very crucial. You cannot build a house without building the floor, but you have built the roof. A suicide!