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Self Initiated Project Concentration, Week 7

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This week is rough week. After some reviews and more comments for my project, I need to do more revisions about my concept and my approach to this project. My initial plan was to create several illustration only, and I was depending on the book mostly, but after some comments from the lecturers and my peers, I decided to make this into more web graphic story. Creating web graphic novel is… well.. will be huge task. I need to draw many many many illustration instead of depending on the words. Therefore, on my first plan, I was going to colorize all the illustration, but then, with some concerns, I decided to only do the outline first and see if I have time to colorize them. But worry not, the outline will be clean and all the illustration will be using black and white only for the mean time.

The comments was mostly because my project was too heavy for the reader in term of too many texts and less illustrations. By this input, I decided to summarise the book chapters into shorter version. Previously I only planning to draw 1-3 illustration for each chapter, but with the reduction of the text, I need to improve on the illustration number, perhaps now I need to draw 3-6 illustrations per chapter. which at the end, I could ended up drawing 100 illustrations. That is super hard because I need a day to finish one illustration. But I will do my best!

In the mean time, I also revised my story canvas because of the inputs, I need to change several objectives and stuff in the story canvas.

Story Canvas

and here some more illustration that I created. I have created some mock up for the cover and first page of the project after the revison, but I cannot open the files in my computer because my Adobe Muse is older version. I will record the files next monday and will update this post.


Here is the mock up for the web, Animated and interactive.